A Woman's Place Is In the Revolution - PDF Feminist Cross Stitch Pattern


$ 8.00


    This is an instantly downloadable PDF so that you can stitch it yourself!

    The pattern is three pages long and consists of a grid with color blocks, a grid with black and white symbols, and a key including the exact colors and amount of thread that you will need.

    A Woman's Place Is In The Revolution.

    A cross stitch for our times.

    (Actually, a woman's place is wherever the hell she wants to be, but that wouldn't fit quite so nicely in the hoop).

    Feminist cross stitch design featuring slate blue lettering and a gorgeous ornate floral border made of twelve different shades of green, pink purple, red, gold, and blue.

    Designed to fit on 8" wooden hoop or an 8"x10" rectangular frame

    All patterns are © Stephanie Rohr 2010-2017
    Patterns are for personal use only. Please do not share images of my pattern charts. The selling of patterns and/or finished products for profit is not permitted.

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